Woohoo, yesterday allie and i made bread for the first time! Again, we used my Martha Stewart book to get the recipe (Olive Oil Loaf) but we had to make a few adjustments because we couldnt find the exact ingredients.
As is pretty typical with our baking, we didnt have all the exact ingredients or equipment, so we just improvise and do our best. The recipe called for bread flour and fresh yeast, but we couldnt find either at the grocery store around the corner so we used whole wheat flour and dry yeast instead. I think that we both prefer it with the whole wheat flour anyway, its nice and brown. Also, we don't have a bread stone to bake on, so we just had to use a regular baking sheet which the bread kind of baked onto and we lost the bottom most layer of our loaf...
making bread is a really long process because you have to mix it, let it rise, fiddle with it, let it rise, etc etc. until its finally ready to bake. Fortunately we had Kings Quest 6 to play (and beat of course) in the waiting periods.
then allll morning i kept dreaming about eating our new bread with some goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes, so i picked some up on my way home from class and it was all i had hoped! first i just had the goat cheese and tomatoes, but then i put a little basil pesto and mixed greens on top too and that was even better!

Can you make that for me when you get home? With the goat cheese and everything...
yes, it is soooooo good
you should make a Freemason scarf.
i already have plans to...
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