i originally intended for this blog to be a mix of cooking, baking, and knitting but of course once i started it allie and i didnt bake for a week and barely cooked anything interesting. But we've redeemed ourselves in the last two days. woohoo!
Last night for dinner we made "burritos" for dinner and they were delicious. however, i say burritos because i am quite the burrito snob, and i much prefer the Southwest mexican food style, but you really just cant get refried beans, mexican rice, and cheese in a burrito in Boston, at least not that i've ever found. at least not that tastes good. That being said, black beans, vegetables, rice, and (optionally) chicken still taste good wrapped up in a tortilla, and that is what we made last night, and it was really simple and tasty. Here's what we did:
1) chicken: We seasoned it with cumin, mexican chili powder, and red pepper flakes then grilled it up on a George Foreman.
2) veggies: We sautéd red onions, green bell pepper, and red bell pepper and added mexican chili powder, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper.
3) rice: We used brown rice and added lime juice and a teeny bit of zest to the water while it was cooking, and then for the last 5 minutes or so added in some cilantro. The rice, i think was the best part...
Then we just heated up some canned black beans and some tortillas and put it all together (well, i left out the chicken and picked around the red bell peppers, but to each his or her own).
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